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For information about International Travel Opportunities for Lougheed Area Youth and Guiders, please contact:
the BC International Advisor, [email protected]

Resources For Independent Trips Travelling Internationally

BC Resources
BC International Committee
AB International Committee

Travel and Event Assistant Subsidy

Are you going on a Guiding trip or attending a Guiding event? You may be eligible for a travel subsidy from your District / or Area.  Read the Area Travel Event Assistance Form, and if you are still unsure please check with your trip leader or the Lougheed Area International Adviser to see if you are eligible to apply for assistance.

For National, Provincial and Inter-Area trips:

  • You may be eligible for both an Area and District subsidy. Please apply personally in a timely manner before you travel. You will need to attach a copy of your trip acceptance letter for each application.
    • Area: up to 35% of what’s left of the event fee after deducting National & Provincial assistance. Please fill in and hand into your Unit Guider who will pass it onto the District Commissioner.
    • District: Your unit guider can assist in requesting a travel subsidy and the amount varies from District to District.
  • Please direct any questions to your trip leader, but be patient as she may be bombarded with lots of trip information in the first few weeks that she needs to process. If your question is urgent please ask your International Adviser as she may be able to answer your question(s).

For Inter-Area and non-selected events, amounts vary and you will personally need to submit an application along with your trip/event acceptance letter.

For Independent trips and SOAR, your trip leader will apply for you.

Please ensure your applications for travel subsidies are cc’d to the Lougheed Area International Adviser so she can ensure that it is processed.