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Simple Steps to Recognizing Your Fellow Guiding Members!

  1. Decide who you would like to nominate for awards, and which awards they should receive A simple overview of different awards can be found here:
    All About Awards
  2. Find fellow Guiding members, girl members, or parents to help provide supporting letters
    Most awards require two supporting letters in addition to a letter from the nominator
  3. Fill in the online form.
    Select “Awards” (make sure not to select “Safe Guide”)
    Applications will be passed on to the appropriate Awards Committee for review.
    You will need the following information:

    • Award name
    • Recipient’s first and last name, iMIS number, and email
    • Recipient’s Area and District
    • Planned presentation date (an estimate is fine if no District/Area event has been planned)
    • Your name, iMIS number, phone number, and email
    • The mailing address for the award package: this could be you, your District Commissioner, or the Area Awards Liaison ([email protected]).
    • Your nomination letters as attachments
  4. Applications can be reviewed and edited before submitting.

Everyone who nominates a Guider for an award and submits a full nomination will receive a special thanks crest.

Nomination Letters.

1 letter is required for: Gold Thanks, Silver Thanks, BC Guider Appreciation Award, Provincial Letter of Commendation, Lougheed Area Thanks Crest
2 letters are required for: Team Award, Unit Guider Awards, Commissioner Award, Merit Awards, Medal of Merit, BC Leadership Spirit Award, BC Award, Beaver Award, Gold Maple Leaf Award, Fortitude Award, Valour Award, Del Gardiner Award
3 letters are required for: Honorary Life Award, Book of Honour

Suggested deadline for awards presented at the Area recognition event: April 15th 
Note: Applications for awards are accepted throughout the year, but this deadline will be for recognition at year-end events. Please leave adequate processing time between submitting an application and your award presentation. 

Lougheed Area Awards Support Letters

Please address these questions in your support letters:

  1. Why are you nominating/supporting this Guider’s award nomination?
  2. Give five (5) words or phrases that best describe this Guider.
  3. My favourite experience working with her is…
  4. Describe how she has made a positive impact in the lives of girls and/or Guiders.
  5. How does she demonstrate her commitment to Guiding?
  6. You can write your own letter or fill in this form.

Bursaries and Scholarships

We will be awarding four Lougheed Area Bursaries for 2023.

Bursaries and scholarships are open to girls and adult members who are pursuing full-time or part-time post-secondary education at a recognized college, university, or trades program. Whether you’re studying engineering, education, political science, or anything in between, there’s a bursary or scholarship that is right for you!

Provincial and National Awards

In addition to the Lougheed Area Awards, Girl and Adult members of Girl Guides of Canada are also eligible for Provincial Awards and National Awards as highlighted in Member Zone under “Opportunities” > “Recognition” > “Member Awards”.

BC Leadership Spirit Award

There is a BC Award for youth and Link members. The BC Leadership Spirit Award was created to recognize outstanding girl and youth members of any age who contribute significantly to Girl Guides of Canada and in their communities.

Ideas for Informal Thanks

There are many ways to thank the Guiders you work with for the great things they do in Guiding. Informal Gifts of Thanks are fun ways to show gratitude at meetings, for special occasions, or just because your Guiders are AWESOME!