Fishing for Sanity & Skills January 16 – 17, 2021
GGC Lougheed Area’s Training Weekend
Fishing for New Ideas – For Sanity & Skills
January 16 – 17, 2021
Download the Information Sheet
Saturday, January 16, 2021
Adventure Cooking for Lightweight Camping
9:30 – 11:15 am
Limit: 12
Location: Naka Naka Macey undercover
Presenter: Riley Haslinger
Taking the girls out on more adventurous trips, learn how to pack food, and cook for these lightweight trips.
Dress for outdoors.
How to run a Virtual Meeting – Basic
Virtual Session
9:30 – 11:00 am
Presenter: Audrey Wang
In this session, you’ll learn: how to set up a virtual meeting on Zoom and MS Teams; the tools available in each to support conversation and engagement; and other best practices for running virtual meetings.
Outdoor Cooking
11:45 am – 1:30 pm
Location: Naka Naka Macey undercover
Limit: 12
Presenter: Lisa Williams
Camping food – many choices and many dishes to create. Try something new or be reminded of favorites that you can cook at camp. Dress for outdoors.
Anxiety & Me – Sharing the load Virtual Session
11:45 pm – 1:15 pm
Virtual Session
Presenter: Rebecca Helps
Are you feeling extra anxious? With Guiding and the new COVID restricts? With life in general and trying to manage during a pandemic? Or have you just always felt anxious & stressed? Whatever the source of your anxiety, sharing & talking about it in a supportive group can help. Join me for a sharing & support circle where we will check-in and see how everyone is doing, hearing from each other, supporting each other, and learning a few strategies which can help us to better manage our anxieties at this time or anytime. Because in the end, life can be as simple as”I promise to share and be a friend.”
Diversity & Inclusivity – Module 1
2:00 pm – 3:45 pm
Virtual Session
Presenter: Audrey Wang
This Diversity and Inclusion session will aim to give you the tools and confidence to take inclusion into consideration when you plan your Guiding activities. Whether it’s at a unit meeting, camp or training weekend, we want every girl and woman to feel like she can fully participate and doesn’t have to face barriers in GGC because of their identity or culture.
Goal Setting Workshop
2:00 pm – 3:30 pm
Location: Crystal’s house
24088 106th Ave., Maple Ridge
Presenter: Crystal Boser
Make 2021 your best year! This session will be held in Crystal’s yard with physical distancing, please dress for the weather.
Easing into Wilderness Tripping
2:00 pm – 3:30 pm
Part 1 of OAL Module 1
Virtual Session
Presenter: Riley Haslinger & Adele Cooshek
Want to take girls on an adventure wilderness trip but don’t know where to begin? Wondering what adventurous outings you could do here in Lougheed Area to give your girls a taste for adventure? Start planning for your big adventure now so you & your girls are ready. This will help you understand the steps necessary to plan an adventure trip within Girl Guides. This is directed at Guide/Pathfinder/Ranger & TREX leaders who want to be doing more outdoor and wilderness adventures.
To complete OAL Adventure Module 1 the Red Level Paperwork, Part 2 of Wilderness Trip Planning must be taken.
Branch Sharing Sessions
4:00 pm – 5:30 pm
Virtual Sessions
Sparks: Crystal Boser
Brownies: Sue Sochasky
Guides: Andrea Klockenbrink
Pathfinders: Lisa Williams
Rangers: Lisa Williams
Diversity & Inclusivity – Module 2
7:00 pm – 9:00 pm
Prerequisite Module 1
Virtual Session
Presenter: Audrey Wang
This Diversity and Inclusion session will aim to build on topics from Module 1. Discussions will include an examination of unconscious bias. Whether it’s at a unit meeting, camp, or training weekend, we want every girl and woman to feel like she can fully participate and doesn’t have to face barriers in GGC because of their identity or culture.
Sunday, January 17, 2021
How to run a Virtual Meeting – Advanced
9:30 am – 11:00 am
Virtual Session
Presenter: Audrey Wang
In this session, you’ll learn: best practices to run a virtual meeting; additional tools and apps that can be used with your virtual meeting platform to support engagement; and meeting ideas.
NOTE: This session will not cover the technical how-tos of setting up virtual meetings.
Event Planning
9:30 am – 11:00 am
Virtual Session
Presenter: Alannah Olah
Learn about the process of event planning and participate in planning an event that could be used in Guiding.
Wilderness Tripping – Red Level Paperwork
Part 2 of OAL Module 1
11:15 am – 12:45 am
Virtual Session
Presenter: Riley Haslinger & Adele Cooshek
This session on Red Level paperwork will help you get on those Wilderness Trips with your girls. You will find out which forms are needed for red level activities and how to fill them out. This is part 2 of OAL Adventure Module 1.
Touch-Free Active Games
11:15 am – 12:45 am
Virtual Session
Presenter: Sue Sochasky
Touch-Free Active Games Learn how to adapt some active games to be touch-free & physically distanced.